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Минусовка Julien


MP3 128 kBit/s 22050 Hz 3.98 Mb 4:20

Текст песни Julien (Placebo):


The payback is here
Take a look, it's all around you
You thought you'd never shed a tear
So this must astound, must confound you
Buy a ticket for the train
Hide in a suitcase if you have to
This ain't no singing in the rain
This is a twister that will destroy you

You can run but you can't hide
Because no one here gets out alive
Find a friend in whom you can confide
Julien, you're a slow motion suicide

Fallen angels in the night
And everyone is barred from Heaven
Just one more hit to make it right
But everyone turns into seven
Now that it's snowing in your brain
Another ten will not placate you
This ain't no killer for the pain
This avalanche will suffocate you

You can run but you can't hide
Because no one here gets out alive
Find a friend on whom you can rely
Julien, you're being taken for a ride

You can run but you can't hide
Because no one here gets out alive
Find a friend in whom you can confide
Julien, you're a slow motion suicide

Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide
Slow-motion suicide

Версия для печати Версия для печати

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