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Минусовка Follow The Cops Back Home


MP3 128 kBit/s 48000 Hz 4.31 Mb 4:42

Текст песни Follow The Cops Back Home (Placebo):

The call to arms was never true,
Time to imbibe, here's to you,
I'll tell you stories bruised and blue,
Of drum machines and landslides.

Just one more round before we're through,
More psychedelic yuppie flu,
It's such a silly thing to do,
And now we're stuck on rewind..

Let's follow the cops back home,
Follow the cops back home,
Let's follow the cops back home,
And rob their houses.

The call to arms was never true,
Let's take a ride and push it through,
Suspended animation glue,
Blame it on apartheid,

Let's spend the night in Jimmy Choo's,
I'll give you coats and cheap shampoo,
I'll give you nothing else to do,
And now we're stuck on rewind

Let's follow the cops back home,
Follow the cops back home,
Let's follow the cops back home,
And Rob their houses

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And rob their houses

The call to arms was never true,
I'm medicated, how are you?
Let's take a dive swim right through,
Sophisticated points of view

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And Rob their houses

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And rob their houses 

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