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Минусовка Enola gay

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.66 Mb 3:47

Текст песни Enola gay (Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark):

Enola gay

Enola gay, you should have stayed at home yesterday
aha words can't describe the feeling and the way you lied
These games you play, they're gonna end it more than tears someday
aha enola gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been
we got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home
Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away
Enola gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
aha enola gay, it shouldn't fade in our dreams away
It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been
we got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home
Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away

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