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Минусовка If This Love Should End

Oleta Adams

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.26 Mb 4:39

Текст песни If This Love Should End (Oleta Adams):

"Let's apologize
For the words that were spoken
Hearts were broken... now I realize
It doesn't matter who's to blame
I don't need a reason why
I just know I can't imagine you telling me goodbye
How can I go on if this love should ever end
How can I stay strong, must I just pretend
When everything inside of me
Says I'll never be this in love again
If this love should ever end
Ooh, I'm completely yours
For as long as I'm breathing I'm believing
No one can love you more
In the good times and the bad times I feel you constantly
With a passion like no other
Won't you tell me please
How can I go on if this love should ever end
How can I stay strong, must I just pretend
When everything inside of me
Says I'll never be this in love again
If this love should ever end
Can we take it back to where it was before
When it seemed that love would last forever more
Let's start picking up the pieces
Follow where love will lead us
Making sweet memories
'Cause if you ever leave
How can I go on if this love should ever end
How can I stay strong, must I just pretend
When everything inside of me
Says I'll never be this in love again
If this love should ever end
How can I go on if this love should ever end
How can I stay strong, must I just pretend
When everything inside of me
Says I'll never be this in love again
If this love should ever end"

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