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Минусовка Magic Pie


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.7 Mb 5:08

Текст песни Magic Pie (Oasis):

An extra-ordinary guy
Can never have an ordinary day
He might live the long goodbye
But that is not for me to say
I dig his friends, I dig his shoes
He is just a child with nothing to lose
But his mind

They are sleeping while they dream
And then they want to be adored
They who don't say what they mean
Will live and die by their own sword
I dig their friends, I dig their shoes
They are like a child with nothing to lose
In their minds, their minds

But I'll have my way
In my own time
I'll have my say
My star will shine

Cos you see me I got my magic pie
Think of me yeah that was me I was that passer by
I've been and now I've gone

There are but a thousand days preparing for a thousand years
Many minds to educate the people who have disappeared
D'you dig my friends? D'you dig my shoes?
I am like a child with nothing to lose but my mind
My mind

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