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Минусовка Beatin It In

Neal McCoy

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.8 Mb 4:08

Текст песни Beatin It In (Neal McCoy):

I can make my mind up
I can put my foot down
Yeah, I can stand my ground
Resolve that I'm not gonna fall
I can try to evade it, try to avoid it
Tell myself to just ignore it
But I know that order's just too tall
Cause there's the vision of your eyes
The linger of your touch, it's too much

Here it comes like a rolling thunder
Like a wall of marching soldiers
Oh, it just takes me over
And I can't fight it, no
Yeah, well it's just your love
That's a burning in my blood
So tell me, how on earth can I deny it
When my heart keeps beating it into my mind

Like the sunrise, like the four seasons
Oh, it just keeps repeating
Yeah, it's a constant in my world
So I might as well give
And I might as well face it
Just open up my arms and embrace it
Because I know I love you girl
Cause there's a meaning in my life
A connection in our soul, here I go

Here it comes like a rolling thunder
Like a wall of marching soldiers
Oh, it just takes me over
And I can't fight it, no
Yeah, well it's just your love
It's a burning in my blood
So tell me, how on earth can I deny it
When my heart keeps beating it into my mind

Here it comes like a rolling thunder
Like a wall of marching soldiers
Oh, it just takes me over
And I can't fight it, no
Yeah, well it's just your love
It's a burning in my blood
So tell me, how on earth can I deny it
When my heart keeps beating it into my mind

Beating it into my mind

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