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Минусовка Les Mots

Mylene Farmer

MP3 128 kBit/s 48000 Hz 4.4 Mb 4:48

Текст песни Les Mots (Mylene Farmer):

Fixement, le ciel se tord (Mylene)
Quand la bouche engendre un mot
La, je donnerais ma vie pour t‘entendre
Te dire les mots les plus tendres

When all becomes all alone (Seal)
I‘d break my life for a song
And two lives, that‘s to tomorrow‘s smile
I know, I will say goodbye
But a fraction of this life
I will give anything, anytime

L‘univers a ses mysteres (Mylene)
Les mots sont nos vies
We could kill a life with words (Seal)
Soul, how would it feel
Si nos vies sont si fragiles (Mylene)
Words are mysteries (Seal)
Les mots, les sentiments (Mylene)
Les mots d‘amour, un temple

If I swept the world away (Seal)
What could touch the universe
I would tell you how the sun rose high
We could with a word become one

Et pour tous ces mots qui blessent (Mylene)
Il y a ceux qui nous caressent
Qui illuminent, qui touchent l‘infini
Meme si le neant existe
For a fraction on this life (Mylene & Seal)
I will give anything, anytime

L‘univers a ses mysteres (Mylene)
Les mots sont nos vies
We could kill a life with words (Seal)
Soul, how would it feel
Si nos vies sont si fragiles (Mylene)
Words are mysteries (Seal)
Les mots, les sentiments (Mylene)
Les mots d‘amour, un temple (Mylene & Seal)

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