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Минусовка Gained the world


MP3 215 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.72 Mb 3:04

Текст песни Gained the world (Morcheeba):

I heard I lost it
On the grapevine
I must admit
I had a great time
There are words for people like me
But I don‘t think there‘s very many
I‘ve gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it‘s cause I‘m getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls
There‘s no persuasion that I‘m into
I‘ve made some sense of what we‘ve been through
We should form a new foundation
If we could find the right location
Is it prey
On display
I‘m feeling well
I‘ve gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it‘s cause I‘m getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls
I‘ve gained the world then lost my soul
Maybe it‘s cause I‘m getting old
All the people that I know
Have gained the world then lost their souls

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