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Минусовка The Voice

Moody blues

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.91 Mb 5:21

Текст песни The Voice (Moody blues):

he Voice
The Moody Blues

- as recorded on the album "Long Distance Voyager"

Won't you take me back to school?
I need to learn the golden rule.
Won't you lay it on the line?
I need to hear it just one more time.

Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight?

Each and every heart it seems,
Is bounded by a world of dreams.
Each and every rising sun,
Is greeted by a lonely one.

Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again tonight?

Cause out on the ocean of life my love.
There a so many storms we must rise above.
Can you hear the spirit calling, as it's carried across the waves?
You're already falling it's calling you back to face the music.
And the song that is coming through.
You're already falling the one that it's calling is you.

My a promise take a vow.
And trust your feelings it easy now.
Understand The Voice within.
And feel a change already beginning.

Oh, won't you tell me again? 

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