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Минусовка If You Ever Stop Loving Me

Montgomery Gentry

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.15 Mb 3:26

Текст песни If You Ever Stop Loving Me (Montgomery Gentry):

My old man's backhand used to land,
Hard on the side of my head.
I just learned to stay out of his way.
There's been streetfights, blue lights,
Long nights with the world sittin' on my chest:
It just showed me how much I could take.
Hard times, bad luck.
Sometimes, life sucks.

That's all right, I'm ok.
It ain't nothin' but another day.
But only God knows where I'd be,
If you ever stopped lovin' me.

The bank man, the boss man, the lawman,
All tryin' to get their hands on me.
And I ain't even done a danged thing wrong.
I've been waylaid, freight-trained, short-changed,
By bigger an' badder men.
An' all I got to say is: "Bring it on."
Hard rain, rough road,
So my life goes.

That's all right, I'm ok.
It ain't nothin' but another day.
But only God knows where I'd be,
If you ever stopped lovin' me.

I need you,
Gotta have you,
In my life, on my side,
Every day I'm alive,
Every might when I'm greedy an' needing,

Instrumental break.

That's all right, I'm ok.
It ain't nothin' but another day.
But only God knows where I'd be,
If you ever stopped lovin' me.

It ain't nothin' but another day.
But only God knows where I'd be,
If you ever stopped lovin' me.

Baby, never stop lovin' me.

Ah, just see, what your lovin' does to me.

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