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Минусовка Strong One

Mila Mason

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.55 Mb 3:52

Текст песни Strong One (Mila Mason):

I know you well and I believe
You've got the strength, to do most anything
And every time, I'm in your arms
I know I'm somewhere, that's safe from harm, but

You don't have to be the strong one all the time
Let me be the one you lean on, ease your mind
It's not you against the world all alone
I'm here by your side
You don't have to be the strong one every day
Let me do my part, don't carry all the weight
Just remember you've got me
You don't always have to be...the strong one

You hide your pain, so well from view
But that's one thing, that you don't have to do
You cry inside, where no one sees
I'll dry those tears, if you just let me

You don't have to be the strong one all the time
Let me be the one you lean on, ease your mind
It's not you against the world all alone
I'm here by your side
You don't have to be the strong one every day
Let me do my part, don't carry all the weight
Just remember you've got me
You don't always have to be...the strong one
Just remember you've got me
You don't always have to be...the strong one

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