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Минусовка Sweet Thing

Mick Jagger

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.97 Mb 4:20

Текст песни Sweet Thing (Mick Jagger):

In the beginning, when life was simple
We were at each other night and day
You were so sensual and so inventive
We said we'd stick together come what may

In the beginning, you were so brutal
You turned the heat on in the afternoon
Get so excited, get so addicted
You had me eating from your golden spoon

Now I don't wanna spoil the party
I know it goes against the grain
As the plane touched down I got movies of you
Running through my fevered brain
I really love my sweet thing, I can't give her up
I really love my sweet thing, I can't give her up
I really love my sweet thing, I can't give her up

In the beginning, when we were winning
I was your ever-present love-sick fool
You turned the heat off and left me standing
Freezing by your swimming pool

I can't give it up
I can't give it up
I can't give it up
I can't give it up

Now I don't wanna spoil the party
I know it goes against the grain
As the plane touched down, and the midnight moon
Can't just walk away

Really love my sweet thing, wanna' lick it up
Really love my sweet thing, wanna' lick it up
Really love my sweet thing, can't give it up
Really love my sweet thing, can't give it up

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