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Минусовка Dancing In The Street

Mick Jagger

MP3 266 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.92 Mb 3:06

Текст песни Dancing In The Street (Mick Jagger):

 OK, talk to you
South America, Australia, France, Germany, UK, Africa

Calling out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new beat
Summer's here and the time is right
For dancing in the streets
They're dancing in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
In New York City

All we need is music, sweet music
There'll be music everywhere
They'll be swinging, swaying, records playing,
Dancing in the street, oh

It doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there
So come on, every guy, grab a girl, everywhere, around the world
They'll be dancing, dancing in the street

It's an invitation across the nation, a chance for folks to meet
They'll be laughing and singing, music swinging
Dancing in the street

Philadelphia, PA
Baltimore in DC now
Don't forget the Motor City
On the streets of Brazil
Back in the USSR
No matter where you are

All we need is music, sweet music
There'll be music everywhere
They'll be swinging, swaying, records playing
Dancing in the street, oh

It doesn't matter what you wear
Just as long as you are there
So come on every guy, grab a girl, everywhere, around the world
They'll be dancing, dancing in the streets

Way down in LA, everyday
Dancing in the streets
'Cross in China too
Me and you
Dancing in the street

Don't you know
They'll be dancing
Dancing in the street
Dancing in the street

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