Come with me to Pasadena.
Today at ten we will arrive.
I have been in Pasadena
for a great deal of my life.
Come with me to Pasadena,
if you wanna have some fun.
Watch the dancing senoritas
in the heat of the sun.
When I woke up today,
I heard someone say:
"Girl, it's raining and they're expecting snow".
And this morning I knew,
what I had to do:
Take the next plane and finally go.
We are going to Greece,
take a trip to Paris.
To escape from the stress and the strain.
Saving money each day,
there must be a way.
To get out and discover again.
R1...Я уеду в Пасадену , там где море и цветы,
Я уеду в Пасадену, и со мною вместе ты.
Там гуляли до рассвета все влюблённые сердца,
И звучит красиво где-то эта песня до утра.
1...А, когда целый мир ты подаришь мне вдруг, будут ветер шептать о любви.
И опять я мечтаю о тебе вдруг, и меня ты скорей позови.
R2...Come with me to Pasadena, day at ten we will arrive,
I have been in Pasadena, for a great deal of my life.
Come with me to Pasadena, if you want to have some fun,
Watch the dancing senioritas, in the heat of the sun.
2...Мы проснёмся с утра, улыбнёмся заре, а под вечер закату сиять.
И вернувшись домой , мы об этой земле будем часто с тобой вспоминать.
S-16т.___R2...___S-8т.___R2... |