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Минусовка Emotions

Mariah Carey

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.74 Mb 4:04

Текст песни Emotions (Mariah Carey):

You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

I feel good, I feel nice
I've never felt so satisfied
I'm in love, I'm alive
Іntoxicated, flying high

It feels like a dream
When you touch me tenderly
I don't know if it's real
But I like the way I feel inside

You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

In the morning when I rise
You are the first thing on my mind
And in the middle of the night
I feel your heart beat
Next to mine

It feels like a dream
When you love me tenderly
I don't know if you're for real
But I like the way I feel inside

You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

You know the way to make me lose control
When you're looking into my eyes
You make me feel so high

You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

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