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Минусовка Till A Tear Becomes A Rose

Lorrie Morgan

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.3 Mb 3:36

Текст песни Till A Tear Becomes A Rose (Lorrie Morgan):

Дуэт с Keith Whitley

'til a tear becomes a rose
Lorrie morgan / keith whitley

Darling I can see the clouds around you,
And in your heart I know a sorrow grows,
But if you weep I'll be right there to hold you
'til each tear you cry becomes a rose.

Dearest love, I know your heart is shattered,
And all my words can offer no release,
But my love will heal the pain you suffered,
And I'll be here if you should turn to me.

Darling I can see the clouds around you,
And in your heart I know a sorrow grows,
But if you weep I'll be right there to hold you
'til each tear you cry becomes a rose.

In deepest nights when memories stand together,
Lay with me and put your fears to sleep,
Cause there's no pain; no dream can put us under,
All the love that binds you to me.

Darling I can see the clouds around you,
And in your heart I know a sorrow grows,
But if you weep I'll be right there to hold you
'til each tear you cry becomes a rose.

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