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Минусовка With Me


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.99 Mb 4:21

Текст песни With Me (Lonestar):

Sometimes I feel just like a fly in a soup bowl
Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of a heap
Sometimes I feel like I'm the king of the castle
Sometimes I feel like just a bump on a street
I got my highs and lows
Some days it's touch and go
But baby, this I know

When you're with me
I feel like singing
It's like I'm swinging the whole planet on the end of my chain
Oh, when you kiss me
My head starts spinnin'
It's like you're sending the adrenaline
Straight to my brain
And it feels right as rain
All my worries wash away
When you're with me

You are a lazy summer day on a porch swing
You are a night running wild on the town
My red Ferrari racing me down a back street
My pick-me-up when I'm a little bit down
No matter where I go, whatever dice I roll
Baby, this I know

When you're with me
I feel like singing
It's like I'm swinging the whole planet on the end of my chain
Oh, when you kiss me
My head starts spinnin'
It's like you're sending the adrenaline
Straight to my brain
And it feels right as rain
All my worries wash away
When you're with me

I got my highs and lows
No matter where I go
But baby, this I know

When you're with me
I feel like singing
It's like I'm swinging the whole planet on the end of my chain
Oh, when you kiss me
My head starts spinnin'
It's like you're sending the adrenaline
Straight to my brain
And it feels right as rain
All my worries wash away
When you're with me

When you're with me
When you're with me
I feel like singing
My head starts spinnin'
Feels right as rain
When you're with me

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