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Минусовка Everythings Changed


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.22 Mb 4:36

Текст песни Everythings Changed (Lonestar):

Funny you should show up after all of these years
Yeah things sure have changed around here
Seen a lot of strangers since they put that interstate through
No this ain't the same town that we once knew

They put up a plant where we used to park
That ol' drive-in's a new Wal-Mart
The cafй is closed where our names were carved on that corner booth
Yeah, everything's changed except for the way I feel about you

That westbound to Santa Fe don't stop here anymore
You were one of the last to get on board
That street that we grew up on you wouldn't recognize
Girl nothing's been the same since you said good-bye

They put up a plant where we used to park
That ol' drive-in's a new Wal-Mart
The cafй is closed where our names were carved on that corner booth
Yeah, everything's changed except for the way I feel about you

They put up a plant where we used to park
That ol' drive-in's a new Wal-Mart
The cafй is closed where our names were carved on that corner booth
Everything's changed except for the way I feel about you

Yeah, everything's changed except for the way I feel about you

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