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Минусовка Some Guys Have All The Love

Little Texas

MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.27 Mb 2:53

Текст песни Some Guys Have All The Love (Little Texas):

Some guys have all the luck
There's gold in everything they touch
But all of the work I've done
Never did amount to much

I don't live what some call the good life
But I've got a good life with you

Some guys have all the money
Fame and fortune we all dream of
But I thank the stars above me
That I've got you and that's enough
Some guys have all the love

No matter how good my plan is
It always seems to come undone
In a lifetime of takin' chances
You're the only thing I've won

I'm still not what some call a winner
But with you there's no way I can lose

Some guys have all the money
Fame and fortune we all dream of
But I thank the stars above me
That I've got you and that's enough
Some guys have all the love

Well I guess I'm what some call a dreamer
But at least I've had one that came true

Some guys have all the money
Fame and fortune we all dream of
But I thank the stars above me
That I've got you and that's enough
Some guys have all the love
Some guys have all the love
Some guys have all the love

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