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Минусовка Say you say me

Lionel Richie

MP3 160 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.72 Mb 4:07

Текст песни Say you say me (Lionel Richie):

Say you, say me -
Say it for always
That‘s the way it should be
Say you, say me -
Say it together naturally!

I had a dream
I had an awesome dream
People in the park
Playing games in the dark
And what they played was a masquerade
>From behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out!

Say you, say me -
Say it for always
That‘s the way it should be
Say you, say me -
Say it together naturally!

As we go down life‘s lonesome highway
Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two
That helping hand, someone who understands
When you feel you‘ve lost your way
You‘ve got some one there to say -
I‘ll show you! Ooh, ooh!

Say you, say me -
Say it for always
That‘s the way it should be
Say you, say me -
Say it together naturally!

So you think you know the answer oh, no
Well, the whole worlds got‘yya dancin‘
That‘s right I‘m telling you
It‘s time to start believin‘
Oh, yes!
Believe in who you are
You are a shining star!

Say you, say me -
Say it for always
Oh, that‘s the way it should be
Say you, say me -
Say it together naturally!
Say it together naturally!

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