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Минусовка Across The Line

Linkin Park

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.32 Mb 3:08

Текст песни Across The Line (Linkin Park):

"Across The Line"

In this desert
In darkness
Lying with the gun across his chest
He's heartless
As the fire flashes in the sky
He was fragile
And frozen
When the bullet took away his friend
And now he's somehow
More broken

He's pulling his weapon to his side
Loading it full of his goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line
He's pulling his weapon to his side
Loading it full of his goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line

And shaking
Lying with her hands across her chest
She wakes with
Her cravings
As the fire flashes in her eye
She was fragile
And frozen
When the needle took away her friend
And now she's somehow
More broken

She's pulling her weapon to her side
Loading it full of her goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line
She's pulling her weapon to her side
Loading it full of her goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line

With every battle he's chosing
With every fight he's losing
His enemy's not far behind
With every promise she's broken
With every lie she's spoken
Her enemy's not far behind

It's your time
It's your time
It's your time
It's - your - TIME!

He's pulling his weapon to his side
Loading it full of his goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line
He's pulling his weapon to his side
Loading it full of his goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line

She's pulling her weapon to her side
Loading it full of her goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line
She's pulling her weapon to her side
Loading it full of her goodbyes
Holding an enemy across the line

With every battle he's chosing
With every fight he's losing
His enemy's not far behind
With every promise she's broken
With every lie she's spoken
Her enemy's not far behind

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