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Минусовка Where Im Headed

Lene Marlin

MP3 198 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.77 Mb 4:04

Текст песни Where Im Headed (Lene Marlin):

I've got a suitcase in my hand
 Filled with stuff most precious to me
 Sidewalk brings my feet
 Wherever they're headed.
 There is no directions given
 Just some trust in human mind to rely on
 And to hold on to.
 Honestly don't know where I'll end up at last
 Won't even count the days.
 One thing I sure know I won't move so fast
 My mind in complete haze.

 I pass by
 Don't dare to stop
 When there's someone I see
 There's no one here but me
 I'm fooled by something inside my head.
 If I lay down now
 I might seem kinda dead
 Just keep on wasting time.

 Scary thoughts and frightening sounds
 In my mind still I try avoid it
 Heading through this hope not one-way alley
 I can't really sense my surroundings
 Seems to be all dark around.
 Nothing there, to lighten up my way.
 Honestly don't know where I'll end up at last
 Won't even count the days.
 One thing I sure know I won't move so fast.
 My mind is complete haze.

 I pass by
 Don't dare to stop
 When there's someone I see
 There's no one here but me
 I'm fooled by something inside my head
 If I lay down now
 I might seem kinda dead

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