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Минусовка Animal


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.67 Mb 3:60

Текст песни Animal (Kesha):

I am in love with what we are
Not what we should be
And I am, I am starstruck
With every part of this whole story

So if it's just tonight
The animal inside, let it live then die
Like it's the end of time
Like everything inside
Let it live then die

This is our last chance
Give me your hands
'Cause our world is spinning at the speed of light
The night is fading, heart is racing
Now, just come and love me like we're gonna die

I'm not asleep, I'm up for the fight
Into the magic
And I don't want the concrete
I am alive comes with the tragic
So if it's just tonight
The animal inside, let it live then die

This is our last chance
Give me your hands
'Cause our world is spinning at the speed of light
The night is fading, heart is racing
Now, just come and love me like we're gonna die

This is our last chance
Give me your hands
'Cause our world is spinning at the speed of light
The night is fading, heart is racing
Now, just come and love me like we're gonna die 

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