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Минусовка Life looks

Jon Lilygreen

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.64 Mb 2:54

Текст песни Life looks (Jon Lilygreen):

Time changes everything even you and I have changed
The rain the winters bring has made us fade away
I still remember everything,
That old December, the fears, the cold
I really wonder how you feel
On these nights all alone

I hope some day you'll see me
I hope some day you'll spot me in the crowd
Take my hand and kiss me
I hope some day you'll say my name out loud

Tell me, tell me about your feelings
Tell me about your stories
Look into my eyes and come on closer
Make me immortal with a kiss
Tell me about your feelings
Tell me about your stories
We know it's over so tell me it's over and
Life will be better in spring

Time changes everything
But this feeling, it still remains
The sweetness of the lips I kissed
Will always feel the same

I hope some day you'll see me
I hope some day you'll spot me in the crowd
Smile and say you miss me
I hope some day you'll say my name out loud

Tell me, tell me about your feelings
Tell me about your stories
Look into my eyes and come on closer
Make me immortal with a kiss
Tell me about your feelings
Tell me about your stories
We know it's over so tell me it's over and
Life will be better in spring

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