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Минусовка You'Re Such A Good Looking Woman

Joe Dolan

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.43 Mb 2:48

Текст песни You'Re Such A Good Looking Woman (Joe Dolan):

When God created a woman for me
he must have been in a beautiful mood
to show the world what a woman could be
when he created a woman like you.
He made the sunshine right out of your eyes
he made the moonglow all over your hair
he put a soft summer breath in your sighs
so you could breath summer into the air.

Up there in heaven I bet the are mad
I bet somebody will want to know why
the most incredible angel they had
was found to be quite unable to fly
D'you know what they had forgotten to do
up there where they make all those heavently things
they made an angel as Lovely as you
but the'd forgotten to fit you with wings.

R E F R A I N :

Oh me oh my you make me sigh
you're such a good looking woman
when people stop and people stare
you know it fills my heart with pride
you watch their eyes they're so surprised
they think you've fallen out of heaven
and if you listen to what they're talking about
who's walking about with an angel at his side.

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