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Минусовка Bitter Tears


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.1 Mb 3:06

Текст песни Bitter Tears (INXS):

 In the mist
Of my endless search
The best in life
Becomes clear

The rest just begins
To fade by itself
That's a trick I learnt
Though it took so long

Bitter tears taste so sweet
I'm seeing my way
For the first time in years
When the love around
Begins to suffer
And you can't find love
In one
In one another
Push away those bitter tears
Bitter tears

And I thought I was doing no wrong
And I thought I was doing no wrong

In the hour
Of your needs
Lips are trembling
Cause your gonna be free
Realise what were doing here
The time is right to kill your fears

Bitter tears taste so sweet
I'm seeing my way
For the first time in years
When the love around
Begins to suffer
And you can't find love
In one
In one another
Push away those bitter tears
Bitter tears

An I though I was doing no wrong
Push away those bitter tears
Thats what they call doing no wrong
Thats what they call doing no wrong

Push away those bitter tears
Push away those bitter tears
Push away those bitter tears

Thats what they call doing no wrong

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