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Минусовка All I Want For Christmas Is New Years Day


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 10.48 Mb 4:34

Текст песни All I Want For Christmas Is New Years Day (Hurts):

Everybody waits for Christmas,
For me it's New Year's Day
That's gonna come and take my blues away.
I'm wishing on the stars for Christmas
And hoping for a better day,
When it doesn't hurt to feel this way.
And everywhere there's joy around this first day of time of year
And happiness has never felt so far away.

All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
I'm singing goodbye to the year before.
I know that the next one will be different so much more.
All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
And I'm not supposed to feel this way.
All that I want this year for Christmas is New Year's day.

It's only seven days till Christmas,
Six more till New Year's day.
It's not a good time to feel this way.
Everywhere the snow surrounds you
And melts your troubles away,
I can only hope to feel the same.
I know they'll be tied into joy this time next year
But happiness has never felt so far away...

All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
I'm singing goodbye to the year before.
I know that the next one will be different so much more.
All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
And I'm not supposed to feel this way.
All that I want this year for Christmas is New Year's day.

I remember how I used to feel at Christmas.

[Chorus: 2x]
All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
I'm singing goodbye to the year before.
I know that the next one will be different so much more.
All of the bells ringing out for Christmas
And I'm not supposed to feel this way.
All that I want this year for Christmas is New Year's day.

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