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Минусовка The Fireman

George Strait

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.93 Mb 2:51

Текст песни The Fireman (George Strait):

They call me the fireman
That's my name
Makin' my rounds all over town
Puttin' out old flames

Well everybody'd like to have what I've got
I can cool 'em down while they're smolderin' hot
I'm the fireman
that's my name

Last night they had a bad one a mile or two down the road
Well my buddy walked out and left this woman burnin out of control
Well I was down there in 'bout an hour or so
With a little mouth to mouth she was ready to go
I'm the fireman that's my name

They call me the fireman
That's my name
Makin' my rounds all over town puttin' out old flames
Well everybody'd like to have what I've got
I can cool 'em down while they're smolderin' hot
I'm the fireman that's my name...burn 'em up

I've got fire-engine red t-bird automobile
In a minute or less I can be dressed fit to kill
I work twenty-four on and twenty-four off
When they get too hot, they just give me a call
I'm the fireman, that's my name

They call me the fireman, that's my name
Makin my rounds all over town puttin' out old flames
Well everybody'd like to have what I've got
I can cool 'em down while they're smolderin' hot
I'm the fireman, that's my name

They call me the fireman
That's my name.

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