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Минусовка Shiftwork

George Strait

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.38 Mb 4:46

Текст песни Shiftwork (George Strait):

(Вместе с George Strait)

Shift work, hard work, tired bar
Blue-collar shirt and a baseball cap
You knew me

He's hot, sweat drops, 'round the clock
Door never locks
Noise never stops
Not all day
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Shift work, tough work for the convenience store clerk
Two feet that hurt, going insane
She's mad at some lad
Drove off and didn't pay for his gas and he won't be the last
'round the clock pain
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Talking about a bunch of shift work
A big ol' pile of shift work
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Well i work, shift work,
Ten years man, i hated that work
I made a break with the money i made
It took me to the beach to have a beer by the edge of the sea
And this 'round a clock place
I drank my money away
We partied
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Talking about a bunch of shift work
A big ol' pile of shift work
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

[instrumental interlude]

Talking about a bunch of shift work
A big ol' pile of shift work
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven 

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