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Минусовка What My Heart Wants To Say

Gareth Gates

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.97 Mb 4:19

Текст песни What My Heart Wants To Say (Gareth Gates):

You're amazing
So amazing
Have I told you
You're my angel
Guardian angel
God knows I've been blessed with love

But if I been gone tomorrow
Would you know how deep my loves goes
Have I ever told you
You're the one

If the words don't come my way
Hope it's still love
Hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
Hope you still know what my heart wants to say

Words so tender
I surrender
To this feeling
So true
My affirmation
My inspiration
Darling I have been blessed with you
If the words don't come my way
Hope you still know
Hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know what my heart wants to say

But if I be gone tomorrow
Would you know how deep my loves goes
If I was gone forever
Would you know how much I care

You make me feel like flying
And failing all emotion
That everytime you look at me
You see it in my eyes

If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know

If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows

If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
What my heart wants to say

If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
Hope it still shows

If the worst don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
I hope still you know
What my heart wants to say

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