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Минусовка Maria Hold on be strong


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.31 Mb 3:08

Текст песни Maria Hold on be strong (Евровидение):

Mira Love can be hard sometimes
Yes, it can catch you off guard like bad crimes
Yes, it can make you depressed and angry
Make you say: "Why me, why won't anybody try me?"
Might be saying: "Ooh, I don't wanna be lonely"
"Ooh, I don't wanna be by myself"
"Ooh, don't wanna be lonely"
"Why ain't anybody lovin' me?"
But there's always someone out there who'll be there for you
There is always someone out there who will care for you
There's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true
Hold on, hold on, be strong
Love can go away forever if you push it
And you have to remember: don't rush it
If you're thinking right, it is wrong
And you'll be crying: "Why me, why won't anybody try me?"
You might be saying: "Ooh, I don't wanna be lonely"
"Ooh, I don't wanna be by myself"
"Ooh, don't wanna be lonely"
"Why ain't anybody lovin' me?"
Now, but there's always someone out there who'll be there for you
And there's always someone out there who will care for you
There's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true
Hold on, hold on, be strong
And yes, there's always someone out there who'll be there for you
And there's always someone out there who will care for you
There's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true
Hold on, hold on, be strong
Hold on, hold on, be strong
My child, hold on, hold on, be strong

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