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Минусовка Jeronimas Milius Nomads in the night


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.76 Mb 2:44

Текст песни Jeronimas Milius Nomads in the night (Евровидение):

Tho' passing days, I close my eyes and feel silk burning me
Your skin, those gorgeous lips I've kissed so long ago
Tonight I'll try to rip out aching heart, it's filled with you
It's filled with lonely pain – obey
Oh moon, I follow you in darkness
It seems we're nomads in the night
Your cold turns me into the heartless
Until the sunrise burning light brings down her sky blue shining eyes
This hollow day, like day before I walk through thousand smiles
And try to find the look that heals all wounds inside
But still I'm here at the world's edge falling like stone to you
Shining so high, alone – like me
Oh moon, I follow you in darkness
It seems we're nomads in the night
Your cold turns me into the heartless
Until the sunrise burning light
Oh moon, I follow you in darkness
It seems we're nomads in the night
Your cold turns me into the heartless
Until the sunrise burning light brings down her sky blue shining eyes

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