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Минусовка Gurckaya Peace will come


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.17 Mb 3:02

Текст песни Gurckaya Peace will come (Евровидение):

Look, the sky is crying cold bitter tears 
Weeping for the people lost in fear 
While we fight for nothing, my eyes run dry 
Are you still so blind to ask me why? 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
When you stop and tame your rage 
Something’s gotta change 
Something’s gotta change 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
Blow the trumpet, beat the drum 
Peace will come 
Sometimes words kill faster than bullets do 
But the face of war is never true 
Kids with guns are always too young to die 
Are you still so deaf to ask me why? 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
When you stop and tame your rage 
Something’s gotta change 
Something’s gotta change 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
Blow the trumpet, beat the drum 
Peace will come 
My land is still crying, torn in half 
My world is slowly dying 
My heart is only crying 
Peace and love 
Oh no, no, no 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
When you stop and tame your rage 
Something’s gotta change 
Something’s gotta change 
Say it out loud: peace will come 
Everybody, shout: peace will come 
Blow the trumpet, beat the drum 
Peace will come 
Blow the trumpet, beat the drum 
Peace will come 

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