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Минусовка The Circus


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.96 Mb 4:20

Текст песни The Circus (Erasure):

Call it new technology and they use it to burn

And they show no concern.
Work for their prosperity while the big wheels turn

Now it’s too late to learn.

Don’t vpset the teacher though we know he lied to you

Don’t upset the preacher
he’s gonna close his eyes for you.
And it’s a shame that you’re so afraid

Just a worker waiting in the pouring rain.
Putting back the pieces of a broken dream

Putting back the pieces of a broken dream.

Father worked in industry

Now the work has moved on and the factories gone.
See them sell your history

Where once you were strong and you used to belong.

There was once a future for a working man

There was once a lifetime for a skillful hand
And it’s a shame that you’re so afraid

Just a worker waiting in the pouring rain.
Putting back the pieces of a broken dream

Putting back the pieces of a broken dream.

There was once a future for a working man
. . .

Putting back the pieces of a broken dream

a broken
a broken dream.

Версия для печати Версия для печати

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