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Минусовка Don't say no


MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.2 Mb 3:23

Текст песни Don't say no (Erasure):

Collecting conversation from the silence of the room
Misguided information telling lies will never do

No better known occasion for improving the score
Paid my contribution won't play this game no more

I'm done with hesitating got no stationary blues
Gonna use my imagination like the way I used to do

Headlong into passion a sensational move
Made the right connection I'm falling for the groove

I'm swinging high and I'm swinging low
And I'm getting down and I'm to and fro
And that's the way the party goes

I'm making no mistaking it's a true love picture show
So forget the final curtain and forget the bitter blow

Got a lot of combination it's a fusion of love
Mention intervention been bitten by the bug

I'm swinging high and I'm swinging low
And I'm getting down and I'm to and fro
And that's the way the party goes

I'm done with hesitating got no stationary blues
Gonna use my imagination like the way I used to do

Headlong into passion a sensational move
Made the right connection I'm falling for the groove

I'm swinging high and I'm swinging low
And I'm getting down and I'm to and fro
And that the way the party goes

I'm swinging high and I'm swinging low
And I'm getting down and I'm to and fro
And that's the way the party goes

And that's the way the party goes
And that's the way the party goes

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