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Минусовка Never enough


MP3 224 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.69 Mb 4:48

Текст песни Never enough (Epica):

Can‘t you hear me screaming, once again?
Voices you can‘t hear 
Because you are consumed and incontent 
With everlasting greed 

Don‘t you see me on my hands and knees? 
Begging and bleeding 
You‘re smiling as you bite the hand that feeds 
But will you never see? 

Always wanting what your eyes can‘t see 
needing what your arms can’t reach 
Thinking you are in need 
Always hearing what your ears can‘t hear 
feeling what your hands can‘t touch 
Thinking you’re incomplete 

It was never enough that I gave to you 
All of the horror that you‘ve put me through 
(Never enough) 
How can I make up my mind this time? 
This is where I will draw the line 

Sacrificed my life to be with you 
Why did you leave me? 
There‘s nothing more from me you can consume 
Cause you are incomplete 

Always wanting what your eyes can‘t see 
needing what your arms can’t reach 
Thinking you are in need 
Always hearing what your ears can‘t hear 
feeling what your hands can‘t touch 
Thinking you’re incomplete 

It was never enough that I gave to you 
All of the horror that you‘ve put me through 
(Never enough) 
How can I make up my mind this time? 
This is where I will draw the line 

Everlasting need would you please? 
Answer me and make me complete 

Everlasting greed would you please? 
Set me free fulfill all my needs and make complete 

It was never enough that I gave to you 
All of the horror that you‘ve put me through 
(Never enough) 
How can I make up my mind this time? 
This is where I will draw the line 

Never again will I be with you 
No promise eternal carrying us through 
I finally made up my mind this time 
This is the end, I‘ve drawn the line

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