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Минусовка The Way It Used To Be

Engelbert Humperdinck

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.94 Mb 3:12

Текст песни The Way It Used To Be (Engelbert Humperdinck):

Lonely table just for one
In a bright and crowded room
While the music has begun
I drink to memories in the gloom
Though the music‘s still the same
It has a bittersweet refrain

So play the song the way it used to be
Before she left and changed it all to sadness
And maybe if she‘s passing by the window
She will hear a love song
And a melody
And even if the words are not so tender
She will always remember
The way it used to be

Friends stop by and say hello
And I laugh and hide the pain
It‘s quite easy ‘til they go
Then the song begins again

So play the song the way it used to be
Before she left and changed it all to sadness
And maybe if she‘s passing by the window
She will hear a love song
And a melody
And even if the words are not so tender
She will always remember
The way it used to be 

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