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Минусовка Last One Standing

Emerson Drive

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.31 Mb 3:36

Текст песни Last One Standing (Emerson Drive):

 Queen of the night
Life of the party
It's all an illusion
You can't hide that big of heartache
So stop the delusion
Waitin' for someone's rescue
My arms are right here for you

Through the wind and the rain
Through the laughter and pain
Count on me
And when life isn't fair
And there's nobody there, I will be
In a world of pretenders
I am your defender
(I'll never surrender)
And when it all comes down
(Yeah, when it all comes down)
I'll be the last one standing

This is for life
Don't ever doubt it
I've already fallin'
Love is alive
So stand up and shout it
Cause destiny's calling
The others who stand behind me
They don't look nothing like me

Through the wind and the rain
Through the laughter and pain
Count on me
And when life isn't fair
And there's nobody there, I will be
In a world of pretenders
I am your defender
(I'll never surrender)
And when it all comes down
(Yeah, when it all comes down)
I'll be the last one standing

Waitin' for someone's rescue
My arms are right here for you

Through the wind and the rain
Through the laughter and pain
Count on me
And when life isn't fair
And there's nobody there, I will be
In a world of pretenders
I am your defender
(I'll never surrender)
And when it all comes down
(Yeah, when it all comes down)
I'll be the last one standing

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