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Минусовка So high

Elvis Presley

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.68 Mb 2:03

Текст песни So high (Elvis Presley):

So high

Well,It is high (so high you can't get over it)
So wide (so wide you can't get around it)
So low (so low you can't get under it)
Great God Almighty (you must come in at the door)

Oh well, it's high (so high you can't get over it)
It is wide (so wide you can't get around it)
So low (so low you can't get under it)
(you must come in at the door)

Well I went down in the valley
You know I did over there ever stay
My soul got happy in the valley
You know I stayed right there all day

Well, He's high (so high you can't get over Him)
And he's wide (so wide you can't get around Him)
I know he's so low (so low you can't get under him)
The mighty lamb (you must come in at the door)

Well I ain't been to heaven but I"ve been told
The streets the streets are pearl
You know the mighty mighty
Mighty gates are gold

And it is high (so high you can't get over it)
So wide (so wide you can't get around it)
it is so low (so low you can't get under it)
The mighty lamb (you must come in at the door)

Well, It is high (so high you can't get over it)
And it's wide (so wide you can't get around it)
I know it's so low (so low you can't get under it)

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