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Минусовка It is All Right With Me 2

Ella Fitzgerald

MP3 160 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.19 Mb 4:32

Текст песни It is All Right With Me 2 (Ella Fitzgerald):

It's the wrong time and the wrong place
Though your face is charming, it's the wrong face
It's not his face, but such a charming face
That it's alright with me

It's the wrong song in the wrong style
Though your smile is lovely, it's the wrong smile
It's not his smile, but such a lovely smile
That it's alright with me

You can't know how happy I am that we met
I'm strangely attracted to you
There's someone I'm trying so hard to forget
Don't you want to forget someone too?

It's the wrong game with the wrong chips
Though your lips are tempting, they're the wrong lips
They're not his lips, but they're such tempting lips
That if some night you're free
Dear it's all right, it's all right with me

You can't know how happy I am that we met
I'm strangely attracted to you
There's someone I'm trying so hard to forget
Don't you want to forget someone too?

It's the wrong game with the wrong chips
Though your lips are tempting, they're the wrong lips
They're not his lips, but they're such tempting lips
That if some night you're free
Dear it's all right, it's all right with me!!

(Cole Porter) 

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