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Минусовка The Greeks DonT Want No Freaks


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.32 Mb 2:31

Текст песни The Greeks DonT Want No Freaks (Eagles):

There was beer all over the dance floor
and the band was playin' rhythm and blues
You got down and did the gator, and half
an hour later, you were barfin' all over your
Girlfriend's shoes.

But the Greeks don't want no freaks.
The Greeks don't want no freaks
Just put a little smile on them rosy
'Cause the Greeks don't want no freaks.
She was the pride and the passion of Dixie
She did exactly what her daddy had planned.
She was perfect little sister until somebody missed
her and they found her in the bushes with
the boys in the band
But the Greeks don't want no freaks
The Greeks don't want no freaks

So put a great big smile on them rosy cheeks,
'Cause the Greeks don't want no freaks
No, the Greeks don't want no freaks
Said, the Greeks don't want no freaks

Just put that monster smile on them rosy cheeks
'Cause the Greeks don't want no freaks
No, the Greeks don't want no freaks,

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