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Минусовка Through Being Cool


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.76 Mb 3:23

Текст песни Through Being Cool (Devo):

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Eliminate the ninnies and the twits
Going to bang some heads
Going to beat some butts
Time to show those evil spuds what's what

If you live in a small town
You might meet a dozen or two
Young alien types who step out
And dare to declare

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Spank the pank who tried to drive you nuts
Time to clean some house
Be a man or a mouse
Waste those who make it tough to get around

If you live in a big place
Many factions underground
Chase down Mister Hinky Dink
So no trace can be found

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Eliminate the ninnies and the twits
Put the tape on erase
Rearrange a face
We always liked Picasso anyway

If you live in a small town
You might meet a dozen or two
Young alien types who step out
And dare to declare

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Eliminate the ninnies and the twits

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Spank the pank who tried to drive you nuts
Mash 'em

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

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