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Минусовка We Pretend

Demis Roussos

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.71 Mb 3:48

Текст песни We Pretend (Demis Roussos):

We pretend that the end hasn’t found us
And we cling to the things left behind us
Line by line, every rhyme has been written
And time left us here unaware

In our eyes gentle sighs went unspoken
Yesterday will remain unforgotten
Love went by and we tried once too often
To save all the dreams that we share

And here we stand, the silent strangers
Afraid to ask which way to go
Our empty hands at last surrender
The reason why we’ll never know

We pretend that the end of our rainbow
Cannot die if it lies like a shadow
Willows bend when the wind blows to conquer
The leaves that have withered away

We can’t run to the sun like we used to
Nothing lasts from the past that we once knew
You and I can’t deny that it’s over
And yet we must face it somehow

Yet here we stand, the silent strangers
Afraid to ask which way to go
Our empty hands at last surrender
The reason why we’ll never know

We pretend that the end hasn’t found us
And we cling to the things left behind us
Line by line, every rhyme has been written
And time left us here unaware

In our eyes gentle sighs went unspoken
Yesterday will remain unforgotten
Love went by and we tried once too often
To save all the dreams that we share

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