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Минусовка Sometimes I feel like screaming

Deep Purple

MP3 138 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.24 Mb 7:20

Текст песни Sometimes I feel like screaming (Deep Purple):

While you were out the message says
you left a number and I tried to call
but they wrote it down
in a perfect Spanish scrawl
in a perfect Spanish scrawl

Yet again I'm missing you
king size bed in a hotel someplace
I hear your name I see your face I see your face

The back street dolls and the side door Johnnies
the wide eyed boys with their bags full of money
back in the alley going bang to the wall
tied to the tail of a midnight crawl
heaven wouldn't be so high I know
if the times gone by hadn't been so low
the best laid plans come apart at the seams
and shatter all my dreams

Sometimes I feel like screaming close my eyes
it's times like this my head goes down
and the only thing I know
is the name of this town
is the name of this town

Yet again I'm missing you
won't be long O' coming home
until that distant time I'll be moving on I'll be moving on

The back street dolls and the side door Johnnies
the wide eyed boys with their bags full of money
back in the alley going bang to the wall
tied to the tail of a midnight crawl
heaven wouldn't be so high I know
if the times gone by hadn't been so low
the best laid plans come apart at the seams
and shatter all my dreams

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