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Минусовка We Danced Anyway

Deana Carter

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.37 Mb 3:40

Текст песни We Danced Anyway (Deana Carter):

(Matraca Berg, Randy Scruggs)

The summer air was heavy and sweet
You and I on a crowded street
There was music everywhere, I can see us there
In a happy little foreign town
Where the stars hung upside down
A half a world away, far far away
I remember you were laughung
We were so in love, we were so in love
And the band played songs we'd never heard
But we danced anyway
We never understood the words
We just sang oh la la la la la la la oh
And we danced anyway
They say you can't go back, baby I don't believe that
Come along with me, come on and dance with me
Maybe if I hold you close
Baby we could just let go
Of these things that tie us down, we'll come back around
Do you remember we were laughing
We were so in love, we were so in love
And the band played songs we'd never heard
But we danced anyway
We never understood the words
We just sang oh la la la la la la la la la oh
And we danced anyway

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