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Минусовка Absence Of The Heart

Deana Carter

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.41 Mb 3:43

Текст песни Absence Of The Heart (Deana Carter):

I write you letters, but I don't send them
I just can't figure out how to end them
I try to reach you, you're right beside me
There's something missin' and we can't deny that

We live together separately
We don't want to fall apart
But every time we kiss there's an emptiness
An absence of the heart

How did we lose it, why did this happen
When did we take it all for granted
We sit in silence, inside we're cryin'
How can we keep our love from dyin'

We live together separately
We don't want to fall apart
But every time we kiss there's an emptiness
An absence of the heart

We live together separately
We don't want to fall apart
But every time we kiss there's an emptiness
An absence of the heart

We live together separately
We don't want to fall apart
But every time we kiss there's an emptiness
An absence of the heart

I write you letters, but I don't send them

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