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Минусовка Second Wind

Darryl Worley

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.26 Mb 4:38

Текст песни Second Wind (Darryl Worley):

(Darryl Worley/Steve Leslie)

There's an old friendly breeze that blows in the Gulf of Mexico
Somehow it always knows when I'm feeling low
So I'm gonna anchor down and wait till it comes around
Leave the rest of the world behind, yeah that's how I'll pass the time

Till I catch my second wind, get back up and gain control again
Find the strength I lost back when you stopped loving me
I guess I'll just stay out here until I know the coast is clear
Sit and watch the tide roll in till I catch my second wind

There's a peace in the way I feel when the water's still
And as long as it's calm out here I've got time to kill
But as soon as it starts to stir I'll lose track of the way things were
Float away on the open air, but I'm not going anywhere

Till I catch my second wind, get back up and gain control again
Find the strength I lost back when you stopped loving me
I guess I'll just stay out here until I know the coast is clear
Sit and watch the tide roll in till I catch my second wind

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