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Минусовка If Something Should Happen

Darryl Worley

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.65 Mb 5:04

Текст песни If Something Should Happen (Darryl Worley):

(Jim "Moose" Brown/Dave Turnball/Dan Demay)

Buddy you and me go way back
Camp Leguene, all through high school and before that
So I don't mind telling you I'm scared to death
The doctor's going in on the 25th
It's the same thing my daddy had
Thank God they caught it fast

But if something should happen
Stop in some time and say hello to Catherine
You and Mary Ann could always keep her laughing
She's gonna need a lot of that
Take her out to a movie
It's gonna take some time before she's back on her feet
I know you think that I'll be fine and I'm talking crazy
But there's always that chance
That's why I'm asking
If Something Should Happen

Little Nathan's growing up so fast
This November he'll turn 10, he wants to play quarterback
I'm supposed to coach his team this fall
But I may not get to after all
He's gonna need someone to catch a pass
And to throw it back

If something should happen
Promise me you'll take that boy out camping
Throw a line out in the water every now and then
Answer any questions that he has
Maybe once he gets older
You could sit and have that first cold beer together
Tell him a couple stories on his father
He's always known you're my best friend
That's why I'm asking
If Something Shcould Happen

I hope I live until I'm 80
And I get to see my son get married, and have babies, 
and make a million more memories with my wife
Yeah buddy I pray you're right
But if it's my time to leave could you watch over them for me
If Something Should Happen
If Something Should Happen

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