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Минусовка I Just Came Back From A War

Darryl Worley

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.13 Mb 4:27

Текст песни I Just Came Back From A War (Darryl Worley):

The first thing I did when that plane finally landed was kiss the ground
The next thing I did was to go find my friends down at the old hangout
Drank some beer and talked a lot about old times
But when the booze finally hit Billy Joe Grimes
He said I don't know what it is, but you seem different to me

I said I just came back from a place where they hated me
And everything I stand for
A land where our brothers are dying for others who don't even care anymore
If I'm not exactly the same good old boy that you ran around with before
I just came back from a war

The very next morning I took a walk through the neighborhood
I thought it's been so long since I've been in a place where everything is good
People laughing and children were playing
And as I watched em I found myself praying
Lord keep em safe here at home in the land of the free

'cause I just came back from a place where they hated me
And everything I stand for
A land where our brothers are dying for others who don't even care anymore
If I'm not same little freckled face boy
That grew up in that house next door
I just came back from a war

I hope you cherish this sweet way of life
And I hope you know that it comes with a price

I just came back from a place where they hated me
And everything I stand for
A land where our brothers are dying for others who don't even care anymore
Chances are I never will be the same
I really don't know anymore
I just came back from a war

I just came back from a war

You don't know me (repeated)

I just came back from a war

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