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Минусовка Get Lucky

Daft Punk

MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.81 Mb 4:16

Текст песни Get Lucky (Daft Punk):

(Verse 1)
 Like the legend of the phoenix
 All ends with beginnings
 What keeps the planet spinning
 The force of the beginning

 We’ve come too far
 to give up who we are
 So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars

 She’s up all night ’til the sun
 I’m up all night to get some
 She’s up all night for good fun
 I’m up all night to get lucky
 We’re up all night ’til the sun
 We’re up all night to get some
 We’re up all night for good fun
 We’re up all night to get lucky

We’re up all night to get lucky (x4)

(Verse 2)
 The present has no limit
 Your gift keeps on giving
 What is this I’m feeling?
 If you wanna leave I’m ready (ahh)

 We’ve come too far
 to give up who we are
 So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars

 She’s up all night ’til the sun
 I’m up all night to get some
 She’s up all night for good fun
 I’m up all night to get lucky
 We’re up all night ’til the sun
 We’re up all night to get some
 We’re up all night for good fun
 We’re up all night to get lucky

We’re up all night to get lucky (x4)

 We’re up all night to get lucky (repeated throughout)

 We’ve come too far
 to give up who we are
 So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars

 She’s up all night ’til the sun
 I’m up all night to get some
 She’s up all night for good fun
 I’m up all night to get lucky
 We’re up all night ’til the sun
 We’re up all night to get some
 We’re up all night for good fun
 We’re up all night to get lucky

We’re up all night to get lucky (x8)

Версия для печати Версия для печати

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